The Colonnade Hotel

120 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02116

The room block is now closed. Please reach out to the Colonnade Hotel directly for hotel reservation requests.

AIBD Regionals has not authorized other outside companies to negotiate rates. Please do not provide any credit card information or details to anyone other than the official AIBD contacts.

Important Information About Scammers

HMP is the Official Housing Provider for AIBD Regionals. Solicitation of hotel reservations from any housing provider other than AIBD Regionals is not approved by AIBD. Hotel reservations made by unaffiliated organizations may appear to be for lower rates; however, they may be illegitimate. Please report any unauthorized solicitation to Kim McLaughlin at We do our best to keep an eye on these offenders. We send them cease-and-desist requests and report them to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Rooms booked through any unapproved source are at your own risk.