Matthew Zirwas
Dermatologists of the Central States

Matthew Zirwas, MD is an American Board of Dermatology certified physician. He is a nationally known expert who has been specializing in contact dermatitis, pruritus, atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis for the last 20 years.

His passion figuring out the real, practical, take-home messages that we can get from the medical literature. Not just reciting ‘the data’ or what the authors said, but synthesizing it and putting it in the context of how it can help patients. Basically figuring out ‘what this study REALLY means’ and ‘how does this connect to what we already know’, then explaining it in a practical, relatable, entertaining and memorable way.

In addition to the practical experience that comes from taking care of challenging patients, he has published over 200 peer reviewed articles, been an investigator on over 80 clinical trials, co-authored the 7th edition of Fisher’s Contact Dermatitis, and has given over 200 national continuing medical education lectures to his peers.

In Dr. Zirwas’s free time, he enjoys spending time with his kids and cats. In that order.



Roads to Treat the Itchy Patient

Friday, August 16, 2024
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Town Hall: Pulling it All Together

Saturday, August 17, 2024
1:10 PM - 2:10 PM