Rob Gent
Licensed Professional Counselor
Chief Clinical Officer
Embark Behavioral Health

Rob Gent is the Chief Clinical Officer and founding members of Embark Behavioral Health. Rob has led the Embark organization in clinical development and growth of numerous programs and is the lead developer of the proprietary CASA Developmental Framework which is pervasive throughout Embark’s programs. Through his dedication to the advancement of clinical development, practice, and research, he has become a nationally recognized expert in the field. His specialization in clinical development is enhanced by his therapeutic expertise and has yielded such accomplishments as the development of; The CASA Developmental Framework, Vive Family Intensive Program, Calo Preteens, Canine Attachment Therapy-Transferable Attachment Program, and other specialized programs. Rob’s dedication has led him to the pursuit of his PhD in Psychology with an emphasis on development and attachment. He remains passionate about neurological, psychological, and physiological development and continues to focus on the advancement of research and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.



Adolescents and Young Adults

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
12:30 PM - 4:45 PM