Jessica Scott
R.T (R)(VI)
Interim supervisor of Interventional Radiology
Mayo Clinic; AVIR

Jessica graduated from Mayo School of Health Sciences Radiologic Technologist program in 2015. She began working in Diagnostic Radiology, while also attending the IR internship offered at Mayo Clinic right out of school. She has been working as an VI certified technologist in IR for 9 years. Jessica became the Program Director for Mayo Clinics VI internship in 2023, precepts new employees, participates as the Wellness Champion, and is a member of the Commitment to Safety team in her department. Jessica most recently accepted a brand new position as the departments IR Educator and Quality Specialist and plans to offer support to the technologist which has not been done before.

Jessica has been a member of AVIR (The national IR tech society) since 2018, started a local chapter, has participated on multiple committees, helped initiate Angio clubs and merchandise to the organization and most recently is AVIR’s Immediate Past President.



Teamwork in IR

Sunday, February 02, 2025
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM