David Staskin
Associate Professor Urology
Tufts / St. Elizabeth's Medical Center

Dr. Staskin specializes in lower urinary tract / voiding dysfunction and is the author of multiple peer-reviewed articles (170) and textbooks (5) on the subject. He holds multiple device patents (70) for surgical devices utilized by urologists and gynecologists. He has been chairperson or member for the ICI international guidelines and the AUA surgical guidelines for incontinence. He has served on the faculties of Boston University, Harvard, NYP-Cornell, and Tufts University.

Dr. Staskin has participated as the international lead investigator for several clinical trials for medications for the treatment of overactive bladder in male and female patients. He is a frequent lecturer for specialty and primary care audiences on the topics of BPH, OAB, and stress incontinence diagnosis and treatment.
