Brian Massey
Sr. Conversion Scientist
Conversion Sciences

Brian Massey is the founder of Conversion Sciences LLC and author of the book Your Customer Creation Equation. His rare combination of interests and experience developed over 30 years as a computer programmer, entrepreneur, corporate marketer, international speaker, and writer. Founded in 2007, Conversion Sciences helps businesses transform their sites through a steady diet of visitor profiling, purposeful content, analytics, and AB testing. Brian has worked with hundreds of companies to improve their online business. He is a sought-after speaker, presenting at IBM, Inbound, LeadsCon, Content Marketing World, Affiliate Summit, and others. He has written for online publications including ClickZ, Search Engine Land and Marketing Land. Brian is the editor of the Conversion Sciences Blog and host of the Intended Consequences podcast.



Using AI to Test Persuasive Messaging

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM