Brandon Christiansen
Director of Marketing
Primrose Retirement Communities

Brandon Christiansen is the Director of Marketing at Primrose Retirement Communities, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the company's strategic vision and enhancing its sales and marketing efficiency. With a knack for data, systems and processes, Brandon is dedicated to challenging the status quo to relentlessly improve the customers’ journey throughout the sales and marketing funnel.

Brandon adds his unique brand of coaching to his strategic mindset, creating a mix of data and storytelling that promotes a collaborative, educational, and relaxed environment focused on growth. In this environment, a new take away is almost a certainty.

Outside of work, Brandon is an enthusiastic and dedicated Girl Dad and gym goer. He is always ready to take up the mantel on the role of coach in various sports or commit to a new challenge at the gym.



Senior Living Needs Complete Attribution: Why Collective Buyers' Journey Attribution Beats Single Prospect Models in Driving Occupancy Decisions

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM