Angela Thompson

Dr. Thompson is a Family Nurse Practitioner specializing in the care of adolescents and adults with diabetes for the last 22 years. Her current clinical practice is within a hospital-based endocrinology clinic at Hendricks Regional Health in Danville, Indiana. She serves as the Medical Director of the Diabetes Youth Foundation of Indiana- a residential diabetes camp located in Noblesville Indiana.
Angi received her Doctoral Degree from Indiana State University in 2017 and Master’s Degree in Nursing with Family Nurse Practitioner focus from Ball State University in 2009. She holds board certifications as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM), and Diabetes Care & Education Specialist (CDCES). She was inducted as an AANP fellow in 2017 and awarded the Indiana Diabetes educator of the Year in 2009.
Her current appointments include President of the Coalition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Indiana, AANP Region 5 Director, Chair of the 2021 AANP National Conference, and Vice-Chair of the AANP Endocrine SPG. She has served as the past AANP Indiana State Representative, AANP Fellows Selection Committee member, and Past-President of the Indiana Central Association of Diabetes Educators (ICADE).


General Pharmacology

Utilizing Technology for Diabetes Care

Thursday, February 01, 2024
11:25 AM - 12:10 PM