Jo Hughes
Psychiatric Physician Assistant
Piedmont Partners for Mental Health

Jo A. Hughes

Clinical Director, Managing Partner, Piedmont Partners for Mental Health, Greensboro, North Carolina.

Jo Hughes of Greensboro, North Carolina is a psychiatric certified physician associate (PA) who works in an outpatient setting. She specializes in neurodevelopmental disorders in children, adolescents, and adults and with extensive training and experience in substance use disorders.

Dr. Hughes completed her PA training and Master of Medical Science at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and additionally holds a Doctor of Medical Science in psychiatry from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals. She is a certified PA with a Certificate of Added Qualification in Psychiatry.

Dr. Hughes is currently the President Elect with Association of Physician Assistants in Psychiatry (APAP) and is involved with North Carolina Association for PA’s (NCAPA) at the committee level in educating PA’s.

Jo and her husband are frequently seen visiting a non-profit coffee house they co-founded employing adults with neurodiversity in Greensboro, North Carolina.



Misunderstandings & Misconceptions of Autism

Wednesday, May 28, 2025
3:55 PM - 4:55 PM