Andrew Susskind
Psychotherapist in Private Practice

Andrew Susskind, LCSW, SEP, CGP is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Brainspotting and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Certified Group Psychotherapist and author based on the Westside of Los Angeles since 1992 specializing in trauma and addictive, compulsive behaviors. His passion for trauma healing and Brainspotting stems from past challenges treating clients solely with traditional "talk therapy" methods. He now believes firmly in the need for nervous system regulation as part of sustainable trauma healing and emotional resilience. His recent workbook, It’s Not About the Sex: Moving from Isolation to Intimacy after Sexual Compulsivity (Routledge Press, 2024) joins his book It's Not About the Sex (Central Recovery Press, 2019).



Restoring the Wisdom of the Nervous System through Brainspotting, Trauma Healing and Emotional Resilience

Saturday, August 17, 2024
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM