Steven Shoptaw

I am a licensed psychologist and director of the Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine. I am Professor in Family Medicine and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and Vice Chair for Research in Family Medicine. I have a portfolio of work that focuses on the medical treatment of addiction and of HIV prevention in the context of addiction. For over 25 years, I have conducted Phase Ib and IIa randomized clinical trials of medications and behavioral interventions for stimulant dependent individuals. Within these trials, I consistently include investigations of putative efficacy for how medications might work. I am an MPI for the newly expanded Big South/West Node of NIDA’s Clinical Trials Network and am anchor author on a report on superior outcomes for a trial of extended release naltrexone and high dose buprenorphine combination compared to placebo for methamphetamine use disorder (NEJM, 2021). I am the Clinical Research Site leader for an on-going HPTN trial evaluating a long-acting cabotegravir injection for HIV prevention (HPTN-083). I am Protocol Leader for HPTN-094, a 5-city randomized control trial, Integra: A Vanguard Study of Health Service Delivery in a Mobile Health Delivery Unit to Link Persons who Inject Drugs to Integrated Care and Prevention for Addiction, HIV, HCV and Primary Care. I also am PI of the longstanding center grant, Center for HIV Identification Prevention and Treatment Services (CHIPTS; P30MH058107).



Recommendations from the Clinical Trials Network Stimulant Research Task Force: Repurposing Pharmacotherapies for Treating Stimulant Use Disorders

Thursday, January 01, 1970
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM