Thomas Freese
UCLA Integrated Substance Use and Addiction Programs

Thomas E. Freese (Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, 1995) is currently Director of the UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs (ISAP), and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. Additionally, he serves as Director of Training and Dissemination for the Division of Addiction Psychiatry in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Co-Director of the SAMHSA-funded Pacific Southwest (HHS Region 9) Addictions Technology Transfer Center (PSATTC), and Co-PI of the Training and Dissemination contract with DHCS for the Recovery Incentives Program: California’s Contingency Management Benefit. Previously, Dr. Freese served as ISAP Director of Training for 20 years. He has conducted trainings on a wide variety of topics including addressing the stimulant and opioid epidemics, the intersection of HIV and substance use, culturally responsive care, implementing integrated treatment, and implementing evidence based treatment practices. Dr. Freese has developed and conducted trainings across the US and internationally.



Innovation Session: Emerging Drug Trends

Thursday, May 29, 2025
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Innovation Session: Contingency Management: An Evidence-Based Behavioral Intervention for Treating Stimulant Use Disorder

Thursday, May 29, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM