Heidi Cross

Heidi H. Cross is a certified wound and ostomy nurse and a board certified Nurse Practitioner, currently practicing wound and ostomy care with Central New York Surgical Physicians and the University of Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital. With extensive experience in acute care, long term care, and home care, she is also a legal nurse consultant specializing in litigaton related to wound care for both defense and plaintiff attorneys. She has spoken regionally and nationally on wound and ostomy care, and has received numerous awards such as from the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board, the United Ostomy of America Associations of America, and from Convatec as the Ostomy Nurse of the Year. She has been published in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, the American Nursing Journal of the ANA, The American Journal of Nursing, and the Journal of Wound Technology. She has a particular fascination with the concept of skin failure, and is a passionate wound and ostomy nurse.