Amanda Murray

Amanda Murray is a nurse practitioner who works and lives in Great Falls, MT. She obtained a BSN from Montana State University in 2007, her wound care certification from WCEI in 2010, and her MSN, FNP from Gonzaga University in 2020. Amanda has worked in many wound care settings in the past 16 years including outpatient, private practice, consulting, OR, and the inpatient hospital setting . After much persistence and pursuit Amanda went on to open a hospital outpatient wound care department at the Great Falls Clinic in September 2020. Amanda takes a multidisciplinary approach to wound care and treats each patient individually. She says that being a wound care clinician is a lot like being a detective; there are many moving parts and missing pieces, you can't compare one case to another, and the challenge is finding the missing link that prevents healing. Amanda lives with her husband and 2 children (13 and 18), she enjoys rock climbing, skiing, traveling, and spending time with her family.


Industry Supported Session

Synergistics Effects of Hypochlorous Acid Based pH Controlled Cleansers and Negatively Charged Fiber Technology in Wound Management

Wednesday, June 05, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM