September 12-13 (PST) |View upcoming dates
Each year, Psych Congress Regionals offer compact, in-depth agendas featuring case-based sessions led by world-renowned faculty. Each meeting will provide two full days of education on the topics most relevant to you.
You are guaranteed to leave excited and empowered to take on even your most challenging cases! Enjoy the freedom and convenience to learn and improve your practice all from the comfort of your home or office.
The 2024 series will feature roundtable discussions, innovation theaters, Q&A opportunities, and sessions focused on the topics most relevant to you like ADHD, questions across mental health, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, psychedelics, and more!
This activity is intended for psychiatrists, primary care physicians, psychologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychiatric nurses, and other healthcare professionals who seek to improve the care of patients with mental health disorders.