Kimel Brent
Lead Community Paramedic
West Metro Fire Rescue

Kimel Brent, NREMT-P, CP-C, RN, is an Advanced Care Paramedic at West Metro Fire Rescue who has led the ARM (Advanced Resource Medic) program for the last 6 years. Through 16 years of serving as a firefighter, medic and ER nurse, he has garnered experiences that have helped in developing a program that addresses his community’s various needs. Since its inception, the ARM car has expanded services to include high utilizer management, social service navigation, naloxone distribution as well as on scene treatment. He is passionate about creating solutions, prehospital care and the mountains of Colorado.



Don’t Give Up on Treatment in Place and Telehealth!: A Guide to a Successful Treatment in Place with Telehealth Model

Thursday, September 12, 2024
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM