Jennifer Woyach
The Ohio State University

Dr. Jennifer Woyach is a Professor with Tenure in the Division of Hematology at The Ohio State University (OSU), and the section chair of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). She is a physician scientist focused on translational research in CLL. Her laboratory interests include experimental therapeutics in CLL with a focus on signaling pathways and kinase inhibition. She has extensive experience studying BTK inhibitors, resistance mechanisms associated with irreversible BTK inhibitors, and strategies to overcome resistance. The group at OSU led the collaborative effort to characterize the first group of patients resistant to ibrutinib and discovered novel mutations in the B cell receptor signaling pathway which confer resistance to this agent. Clinically, Dr. Woyach is the principal investigator for multiple early stage clinical trials investigating novel targeted therapies for CLL and other hematologic malignancies. She also is chair of the US intergroup Phase III study A041202 which is investigating chemoimmunotherapy versus targeted therapy as initial therapy for older adults with CLL. She is a cadre member of the Leukemia Committee and Cancer in the Elderly Committee of the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology.