Jeff Levin-Scherz
Population Health Leader | WTW , Assistant Professor | Harvard Chan School of Public Health

Jeff Levin-Scherz is a managing director and the Population Health Leader of WTW, Health and Benefits, North America. He helps large employers and health purchasers develop, implement and evaluate their health management strategy, including care management programs, incentive programs, and technology programs. His clients included hospitals, universities and state purchasing agencies. Jeff leads intellectual capital development for WTW in the Population Health space.  

Jeff has written and spoken widely on health care policy, especially around the adoption of disruptive innovation, and the use of behavioral economics to drive performance in the health care delivery system and behavior among employees and in the general population.  He led work on a World Economic Forum project on Human Centric Health presented in Davos, Switzerland in 2017. He was widely published on employer response to the COVID-19 pandemic. His work has been published in JAMA, the Journal of General Internal Medicine, the Harvard Business Review, StatNews, the American Journal of Managed Care, HR Executive and The Hill.

Jeff has a broad range of experience in health care delivery and finance.  He served as a physician executive leader of provider organizations including a large independent practice association, an integrated delivery network, a multispecialty group practice, and a venture-funded technology enabled national primary care practice.  He also served for seven years as a vice president of a top-ranked regional health plan. Jeff has been a participant in technical expert panels convened by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Institute of Medicine and the Urban Institute. 

Jeff is an Assistant Professor at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, where he teaches courses on provider payment and managing health care costs.  He has given guest lectures frequently, including at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.