Call For Abstracts

Attention to all Submitters:

The accepted abstracts will be for Poster Presentation.
All abstracts will be forwarded for peer review to the Scientific Review Committee.
It is a prerequisite that the presenting author registers for inclusion in the program.


  • Critical Limb Ischemia Diagnosis

  • Critical Limb Ischemia Treatment

  • Critical Limb Ischemia Risk Factor Modification

  • Critical Limb Ischemia Wound Care

Abstract Deadline: 16 June 2025

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

1. A presenting author should not exceed submitting 2 abstracts

2. Abstracts should be submitted via the on-line submission system only

3. All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English

4. All abstracts submitted online will be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee and a notification of acceptance will be sent by email

5. To amend/change an abstract that has already been submitted or to submit an alternative abstract, please use the login and password which you received when you submitted your original abstract. This will enable you to access the previously submitted abstract/s or to submit an alternate abstract/s

6. The abstract text should be up  to 300 word limit (with title, author names and affiliation details excluded)

7. Modification of abstracts will not be possible after the abstract deadline

For any questions, please contact