Exhibitors & Sponsors

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities


Attendees of Psych Congress NP Institute are psychiatric and mental health care and family practice nurse practitioners from across the United States. Educational content delivered at the Psych Congress NP Institute benefits advanced practice psychiatric nurses and nurse practitioners who want to improve their diagnostic and treatment skills and advance their knowledge of mental health disorders.


Advertising and sponsorship opportunities will prominently display your company’s message to draw interest among your intended audience and ensure that you receive high-quality attention. Promotional offerings include:

•  Advertisements & Sponsorships

•  Exhibits

•  Product Theaters (Innovation Theaters)

Required Information

The following information is required to allow you access to exhibit and sponsorship documents related to Psych Congress NP Institute. This information is required simply to view the documents and will NOT register you as an exhibitor or sponsor. You are required to complete this information only once; thereafter, you will have full access to all exhibit and sponsorship information.

Download Exhibit & Sponsorship Information

Beware of Unauthorized List Rental Solicitations
Please be aware that Psych Congress NP Institute does not sell or distribute Psych Congress NP Institute attendee lists to any third-party vendor. If a third-party vendor offers purchase of a Psych Congress NP Institute conference attendee list, it is a scam. If you do receive correspondence from any individuals claiming to be selling a Psych Congress NP Institute attendee list, please report them to Tara Fields at tfields@hmpglobal.com. We will take the appropriate action. We suggest that you do not respond or engage with these vendors. Doing so only emboldens their effort. We do our best to keep an eye on these offenders. We send them cease-and-desist requests and report them to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). We also send out information educating our exhibitors and members on proper handling of these requests. 


Exhibits & Sponsorship Services Contacts

To learn more about exhibit and sponsorship opportunities, please email sales@psychbehavioral.net.