Sarah White
Associate Professor
Medical College of Wisconsin

Sarah B. White MD is an Associate Professor of Radiology in the Division of Vascular Interventional Radiology who currently works at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She completed the Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology Enhanced Clinical Training Pathway (DIRECT) at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. White has been active in research publishing several papers as first author, as well as presenting at local, regional and national meetings. Dr. White started her career in research in a molecular biology laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania and has spent time at the National Institute of Health. Dr. White has received awards for her research from several national organizations, including the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR), the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) and the Radiologic Society of North America (RSNA), was the Constantine Cope Cook Interventional Radiology endowed fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. She was also award the Gary J. Becker Young Investigator of the year by SIR. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. White has a translational lab that focuses on developing new drug delivery platforms to treat primary and secondary liver cancer.



Liver Metastatic Disease: Year in Review

Friday, September 20, 2024
11:15 AM - 11:25 AM

Liver Metastatic Disease Panel: What Else Happened - A Roundtable Discussion

Friday, September 20, 2024
11:25 AM - 11:40 AM