September 4-7, 2025 | Cape Cod, MA |
Lana Seiler, LCSW, PAT
Lana Seiler is a licensed clinical social worker and holds a Master’s Degree in social work and a double Bachelor of Arts in Political and Social Science from Florida Atlantic University. She served a clinical internship at the VA in West Palm Beach where she accumulated valuable experience working with veterans and gained unique insight into their severe and persistent struggles with mental health.
Lana has been practicing primarily in residential level of care treatment since 2015. Post master's trainings include EMDR, clinical hypnotherapy, and Post induction Therapy. With additional Informal self-education on IFS, Sensorymotor Psychotherapy and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. She is a member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). Lana's practice focus is attachment and traumatic stress related disorders including PTSD, complex PTSD, attachment injury and family of origin issues. Recent interests include bridging existing methods of treating truamatic stress with emerging methods including, Ketamine assisted therapy, Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy, Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, neurofeedback and the Stella Ganglion block. Lana holds diplomate status with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and the National Center for Crisis management (DAAETS). Lana has also completed a psychedelic assisted therapy education program through Naropa University which includes MAPS MDMA education.