Lynn Fairweather
Presage Consulting and Training, LLC

Lynn Fairweather, MSW is a domestic abuse survivor who has worked in the violence response and prevention field for the past 31 years. As president of Presage Consulting and Training LLC, she provides individually tailored guidance and education to a diverse portfolio of public and private sector employers. Presage's services include domestic violence trainings, workplace violence program and policy development, awareness campaign design, and on-call threat assessment for employee involved cases. As a sought-after public speaker, she presents regularly at industry conferences around the world and contributes to a variety of violence prevention publications. Ms. Fairweather’s specialty in domestic violence threat assessment and management was developed by working on thousands of high-risk cases through positions in social service, criminal justice, university, and shelter systems. She holds a master's degree in Social Work, as well as training certifications from multiple institutions such as Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and Gavin de Becker’s Advanced Threat Assessment Academy. Throughout her career, Ms. Fairweather has participated in violence prevention advisory boards and multi-disciplinary response teams, as well the facilitation of victim support groups and batterer’s intervention programs. She also writes professionally on domestic violence, releasing her first book in 2012 (Stop Signs: Recognizing, Avoiding, and Escaping Abusive Relationships” – Hachette Publishing) and appearing as a featured author in Asta Publishing’s 2015 compilation “Tales of Women Survivors”.



In Vino Veritas: The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Substance Use

Sunday, September 08, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM