Ken Martz
Psy.D., MBA
Lionheart Therapy Solutions

Kenneth J. Martz, Psy.D. MBA. is a licensed psychologist. He has worked in treatment and management of addiction (including gambling) for the past 30 years across settings including outpatient, residential and hospital settings. He was formerly the Special Assistant to the Secretary for the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Martz has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Argosy University. He has authored a dozen publications, six bestsellers, including the international bestseller Manage My Emotions, translated into multiple languages. He has over 100 local, national, and international presentations in the addiction treatment field.



The Power of Plasticity: Paving New Neural Pathways for Recovery

Friday, September 06, 2024
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM