. Jason Roop
Founder and CEO
Center for Trait-Based Transformation

Dr. Jason Roop serves as founder and CEO of the Center for Trait-Based Transformation, Vice President of Research and Development for Hometown Health System, and Assistant Professor of Business and Theology for Campbellsville University. Dr. Roop spent 17 years in active addiction and would ultimately become homeless before entering recovery in 2013. He has since earned his Ph.D. in Business Management and Leadership in 2022, has written several publications on the leadership traits of people with substance use disorder, regularly speaks at national conferences in the field of addiction treatment and serves on the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission.
Dr. Roop’s research interests focus on the positive qualities and traits found in people with substance use disorder. His work is changing how people view addiction through understanding how personality and character traits can be rediscovered and used in positive ways. The Trait-Based Model of Recovery, developed by Dr. Roop, is a dynamic person-centered, evidence-based approach which has been implemented across the nation across residential treatment centers, outpatient services, jails, and court systems. Dr. Roop has also created the Trait-Based Model of Prevention which will be launched in schools across multiple states this fall. Dr. Roop continues to be heavily involved with ongoing addiction recovery research while being an advocate for treatment accessibility, holistic aftercare support, and person-centered care.



Starting from Strength: How Personality and Character Traits can be used to Enhance Prevention Outcomes

Saturday, September 06, 2025
4:15 PM - 5:45 PM